This month's topic is Language Apps. I use my iPad a lot in therapy, because it's just so engaging for clients, easy to cart around with me, and there are a lot of wonderful apps that I can use to target just about any goal. Here are some of my favourite and most heavily used language apps:
What Doesn't Belong - A Spot the Diffence Finding Game
Mr Potato Head
Kids seem to absolutely love this Mr Potato Head game. I've used it for goals like following directions, describing, learning body parts and more. It's $2.99 and comes with a heap of different costumes for Mr and Mrs Potato head.
See Touch Learn
See Touch Learn is a really nice app for working on vocabulary, following simple directions and understanding modifications, adjectives and concepts. The visuals are simple, clear and use photos. The app itself is free and comes with a few lessons downloaded, but also has access to a library of lessons on a huge range of concepts and categories (each lesson in the library is around $1.99).
Toontastic Jr. Pirates Puppet Theater
Toontastic Jr. Pirates Puppet Theater is favourite story making app, where the child gets to choose a beginning, middle and end of their story, move the characters around and record their story audio. I use this app for working on spontaneous productions of syntax, morphology and even vocabulary goals. The best part is that the client gets to listen to their recording and hear any errors/achievements. You can get the app free, with one scene for each for the beginning, middle and end of the story, and I think it's around $5 to unlock all 12 scenes.
There you have it, my favourites for language apps. I'm always looking for new apps to use in therapy, so I'm really looking forward to having a peek at everyone else's apps of choice!